A Must Played Game With Friends on Wii

It’s been a long time since I played a video game for so many months in a row. But the Nintendo Wii has been put to good use this winter with two games: “Wii Sports” and “Mario Kart Wii”. Although they are aimed at opposite age groups, they complement each other nicely because both can be played by a group of people at the same time.

Wii Sports is a great way to get the family together for some fun competition, whether it’s bowling, tennis, baseball, golf or boxing. Wii Sports is especially good for little kids who have trouble holding a controller while playing on a TV screen. You just swing your arms and things happen on screen. You can do real-life activities on screen, or you can turn the Wii into a golf game with an accessory that comes with the software. My 4-year old son is already up to 40 yard chip shots on the putting green!

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Mario Kart Wii is a must for any Nintendo fan. If you’re not familiar with the series, it’s a racing game where you control your character from a third-person perspective as they speed around tracks that are filled with power-ups, pitfalls and shortcuts. The more friends you have playing as characters from the Mario universe against you as computer-controlled characters, the more fun you’ll have.

Nintendo Wii’s motion-sensitive controller makes Mario Kart Wii even more fun. No longer do you need to hold a button at the right time to get an item in your hand and then hope that the items will fall into the right direction when you fire it at one of your opponents. Now you just tilt the Wii controller and aim – and possibly catch – an item as it falls.

What Game Is it and Why Do You Think it’s a Must Played with Friends on Wii

Wii Sports. Wii Sports is a game where you can play with your friends and family because it’s easy to understand how to play, even for little kids. It’s simple enough that everyone can get the hang of it fast, but there are still multiple games that players can choose from. Wii Sports has different sports offered in the game and some of them you can play with your friends, such as bowling and tennis.

Mario Kart Wii. Mario Kart Wii is a game where you can race around tracks with your friends to see who will be the winner. You use items on the track against your opponent which makes it more fun than just racing by yourself. You can go around different tracks using characters from the Mario Universe, or you can play as yourself.

Nintendo Wii’s Motion

Sensitive controller makes Mario Kart Wii even more fun. No longer do you need to hold a button at the right time to get an item in your hand and then hope that the items will fall into the right direction when you fire it at one of your opponents. Now you just tilt the Wii controller and aim – and possibly catch – an item as it falls.

It’s a game for everyone to play with their friends because it’s challenging but not too challenging that people will get frustrated or bored easily. You can play against other players or computer-controlled players, which are harder or easier to defeat depending on their difficulty level.


Wii Sports is a game where you can play with your friends and family because it’s easy to understand how to play, even for little kids. It’s simple enough that everyone can get the hang of it fast, but there are still multiple games that players can choose from. Wii Sports has different sports offered in the game and some of them you can play with your friends, such as bowling and tennis.

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