Hackintosh Dual Boot macOS High Sierra & Windows 10

Hackintosh is a term used to describe a computer that has been built from scratch and installed with macOS, the operating system of Apple computers. It’s not officially supported by Apple, but it can be done.

The dual boot hackintosh windows 10 separate drives is a process that allows users to install macOS High Sierra on their computer and Windows 10 alongside it. There are two different drives, one for each operating system.

How to Dual-Boot a Hackintosh on macOS High Sierra and Windows 10

We’ll teach you how to dualboot macOS Sierra and Windows 10 on a Hackintosh in the following guide.

There are a variety of ways to get a dualboot system up and running. The method we’ve shown you is only one of several options. You are free to choose a different method if you want. However, of all the methods we looked at, this one seems to be the simplest.

Make a backup of your system before making any changes!

Before you make any changes to your system, make a backup of your personal and critical data! You will lose them if you do not do so throughout this lesson. You are solely responsible for any modifications you make to your system! We do not accept any responsibility.

It makes no difference if you wish to utilize Microsoft’s Windows 10, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1. This guide is also applicable to Windows 8 and 8.1. However, if you try to use this tutorial with the Windows 7 operating system, you may run into some issues.

To dual boot, there are a few requirements that must be met.

In order to make dual booting on your hackintosh a reality, you’ll need the following tools:

  • With macOS Sierra, you’ll need a bootable stick.
  • With Windows 10, you’ll also need one bootable USB stick.
  • two separate hard drives (one for macOS and one for Windows)

These items must be prepared in order to allow hackintosh dual boot.

The Mac Operating System Stick:

Scroll to the bottom of this page for a short tutorial on how to make a bootable macOS stick. There is a decent lesson there that covers the most essential aspects.

The Windows stumbling block:

There’s a little more to think about with the bootable Windows USB stick. You must first determine if your motherboard utilizes BIOS or UEFI, and then build the stick based on your motherboard.

If your motherboard is BIOS-based, you may use the Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool or Rufus to generate the stick and not worry about anything.

However, if your motherboard supports UEFI, you’ll need to make a USB stick first.

This is due to the following reasons:

Windows is nearly often installed in legacy mode. This is only appropriate for BIOS-based boards, not UEFI-based ones. The Windows bootloader seems unconcerned about this, although it might cause difficulties in conjunction with it.

If this is the case, you must first install Rufus (the portable version is the best, since it is much quicker).

As seen in the image, configure Rufus as follows:

Hackintosh-Dual-Boot-macOS-High-Sierra-amp-Windows-10 Rufus Preferences

  • Select the stick on which Windows should be installed as a device.
  • Then, under Formatting options, choose your ISO file (otherwise, you’ll have to repeat the modifications from below).
  • For UEFI, you choose the GPT partitioning strategy as the partitioning scheme.
  • FAT32 will be the filesystem.
  • The mapping unit is left at its default setting (16KB or 4096KB)
  • You have complete control over the drive’s name (or leave it as it is).
  • Select “Quick formatting” and “Create extended labels and icon files” from the Formatting Settings menu.
  • When you’re through, your Rufus setup should look somewhat like this.

If you’ve got everything set up correctly, click “Start” and let the procedure take its course.

How should I continue with the installation?


macOS installs on your hard drive in the same way as you would if you intended to use it as your sole operating system. However, you should consider how you want to divide your system before proceeding. We installed macOS on the SSD and Windows on a 500GB hard drive. It’s up to you how you do it, but you should think about it ahead of time.

After that, you can just run the macOS installation and set up Clover without having to do any further effort.


Following the installation, do the following steps:

After macOS has been installed, remove the system’s hard drive from the machine entirely (disconnect power and SATA cable). If you don’t ground yourself first, you may harm your computer! This is just to ensure that Windows does not do any harm. This is something that can happen, and it has already happened to a lot of individuals. We have no idea how that happened, but we did it simply to be safe.

Installing Windows is simple.

Start the Windows Installer program now. You may next choose whether you want to install Windows on the whole second drive or divide it. After that, you just wait for the installation to complete. You may set up and customize your Windows installation once your PC has restarted.

After you’ve completed the installation, you’ll need to perform the following:

Switch off your PC and reconnect your macOS hard drive after the Windows installation is complete.

After that, you enter your BIOS and choose the highest boot priority.

After that, Clover should automatically identify and display your Windows installation in the bootloader. However, it’s conceivable that you’ll receive the same result that we did, and with more choices to boot. Clover presently has four Windows boot choices. At this point, all you have to do is figure out which one is the correct one.

After that, you may run another test to see whether both systems really start. You’re done if they do.

Congratulations, you now have a dual boot Hackintosh system that works!

Optional follow-up actions after installation


After that, you may use Paragon NTFS to allow writing NTFS formatted drives on your macOS system.


It is also possible to read HFS+ files on Windows. The Bootcamp drivers, which can be found on Google, are utilized for this purpose.

Simply unzip the file and double-click the “Add AppleHFS.reg” file to activate it. The boot camp drivers are added to your registry using this file.

Then, depending on your system, transfer the files from the 32-bit or 64-bit folders to “C:WindowsSystem32drivers.” This should update your system with the necessary drivers. The macOS hard drive will be mounted automatically after a reboot.


A step-by-step tutorial to creating a dual bootable OS on a Hackintosh.

How To Create The Best Bootable USB Stick For Hackintosh Dual Booting

We’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how to make the finest bootable USB stick and what you’ll need to be ready for anything. We used a 16GB USB stick for this and attempted to wipe everything off of it. As a consequence, you’ll have a USB drive with which you may respond to any circumstance, which we don’t want to keep from you.


  • 16 GB USB stick
  • 4 portions

Partitioning in the best possible way:

Boot is the first partition.

  • 1 GB in size
  • Chameleon Bootloader is a bootloader that allows you to change the appearance of your computer. Only the most recent version of Chameleon Bootloader should be installed here.

Install Partition 2

  • 5 GB in size
  • Installation Media for Lion 10.7 – You may reinstall from this partition at any moment.

Lion is the third partition.

  • 7 GB in size
  • Installed and bootable software Lion 10.7.1 — This partition serves as a bootable backup in case your primary machine develops KernelPanics due to incorrect text installation, for example.

Software (Partition 4)

  • 3 GB in size
  • Texts, tools, upgrades, and other applications are included with the content. The most essential tools/texts, such as Kextwizard, Chameleon Wizard, and texts, should always be available here.

Recommended method for installation

Important: If the stick isn’t formatted / partitioned with a Master Boot Record, Gigabyte boards (and probably others) won’t boot with it inserted. Select Mac Os Extended (Journaled) as the Format and click Apply.


Divide your 16GB USB stick into four divisions of the sizes shown below:

  • 1GB Boot Partition
  • Install Partition 2: 5GB
  • 7GB Lion Partition 3
  • Partition 4: Software (3 GB)

Boot is the first partition.

Install “Extra Lion DP4” on the first partition using the “Extra Lion DP4” installer. The Chameleon Wizard will then be launched, and the bootloader will be installed on the first partition.

Install Partition 2

The Lion installation file Mac OS X Lion Installation will be put in the Applications folder after being downloaded from the Mac Appstore. This isn’t the only thing we’re searching for; we want the whole package. Fortunately, this package has the picture we’re searching for. You may access it by right-clicking on the package and selecting Package Contents from the menu.

InstallESD.dmg is the necessary file, which can be found in the Contents->SharedSupport folder. To mount the Mac OS X Lion image, double-click on it, and it will appear in your Finder. The last step is to drag the mounted picture onto the USB stick that has previously been created. To do so, reopen Disk Utility, pick your USB stick, and then choose the Restore tab. You may now drag and drop the source and target media into place. The source is, of course, the mounted Lion Image, which is the USB stick’s intended destination. You just need to confirm that everything on the USB stick can be erased before the picture is transferred to it.

If creating a USB stick by hand is too difficult or time-consuming, you should use the most recent version of another bootable software. In only a few clicks, the program generates a bootable USB stick. Begin with the most recent version and follow the on-screen directions. The stick is made in a matter of minutes.

Lion is the third partition.

Make a backup of this partition using Carbon Copy Cloner once you’ve installed a functioning Lion with all of the necessary texts. To prevent making it excessively big, clone a newly installed Lion that includes all the text to ensure the hardware is functioning correctly, but where no additional software is installed yet.

Partition 4 is dedicated to software.

Put anything you believe will be helpful on this partition. Personally, we have all relevant documents, as well as tools such as KextWizard and ChameleonWizard, as well as upgrades (e.g. 10.7.3) and other minor visual and sound applications, as well as other helpful software.

Final Thoughts: Dual-Bootable Hackintoshes

You may respond to any circumstance with this stick. You have a bootable backup of your system, the ability to do a fresh installation at any moment, access to the most essential tools/texts, and the most recent bootloader. This was just intended to be a suggestion. This stick has been very useful to us in a short period of time, and it may be useful to some of you as well.

The dual boot hackintosh catalina and windows 10 is a computer that can run both macOS High Sierra and Windows 10. If you want to dual-boot your machine, the dual boot hackintosh catalina and windows 10 is a good option.

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