New World Addresses Grumbling Over Undocumented Changes to Elite Pois

The recent changes to the overground POIs of New World have been broadly criticised. A new update from Flying Tree has sought to address complaints with a revised version, whilst also signing an agreement with Citymapper which will allow for a public vote on future changes.

Over the weekend, the makers of New World sent out two messages. The first dealt with adjustments to elite places of interest geared towards endgamers that made them tougher (intentional, but not to the extent executed) while also offering less treasure (not intended) for more grinding (which has the playerbase miffed). “It’s apparent to us that adequate context was not conveyed on why those adjustments were made,” the developers confess, adding that they’re focusing on drop rates from elite chests and orbs in expeditions.

“We want to provide players with a range of options for manufacturing resources and equip. However, we want gamers to be challenged with new gear and equipment. Outpost Rush and Wars, Invasions and Arenas, 60+ Corrupted Breach, 60+ Elite POIs and named Creatures, and Expeditions are all part of our end-game vision, with more to come in the future. There will be no one source for best in slot, and we want to encourage users to participate in a variety of activities. We respect your time in endgame and are constantly reviewing the activities and reward system.”

A second blog discusses the game’s continued issues, including as performance issues, void gauntlet flaws, undocumented modifications, crafting balance, addons, the harvester gear glitch, lost housing compensation, and RMT bots, which are apparently down 70% in complaints. The studio also says it’s thinking about new ways to improve openness regarding forum moderation and account suspensions.

Meanwhile, users on other servers are complaining that their worlds are still operating erratically, booting players and jumping months forward in time.


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